Your personalised fire plan is ready!

    Your preparedness journey begins now, designed to protect what matters most to you.

    mum and child looking at their plan on the fridge

    My fire plan

    Update my plan

    Here is Your Action Plan and Your To-Do List. Use these as your guide through any bushfire or grassfire situation. Print these off, complete the action points and place them somewhere you can see and easily access.

    Your To-Do List


    letter opening from an envelope

    Help family and friends be fire ready.

    It is a good idea to share your bushfire plan with family, friends, and neighbours. Sharing the details of your plan will help them understand your plans for high risk fire days.

    holding phone with mum calling

    Help others get fire ready.

    Encourage your friends and family to create their own personalised fire plan by sharing the Online Fire Planner tool.

    Useful Resources

    Click the links below to access additional resources and monitor fire danger ratings in real time.

    CFA Logo
    Emergency Management Victoria
    Fire Rescue Victoria

    Download the VicEmergency App

    Download on the Apple StoreGet it on Google Play

    What to do: Before

    Here are some things to consider and learn about before a bushfire situation.

    What to do: During

    Here are some things to consider and learn about during a bushfire situation.

    What to do: After

    Here are some things to consider and learn about after a bushfire situation.