Fires are part of life in Victoria.

Victoria is one of the most fire prone areas in the world. All Victorians need to know how to plan for and respond to fire.

Start your fire plan

It only takes 10 minutes

two kangaroos looking at smoke in the distance

Simple questions to create your plan

  1. Step 1

    Select your fire district

    Start your plan by selecting which fire district you live in.

  2. Step 2

    Who will you protect?

    Your plan will change based on your household and family.

  3. Step 3

    Where will you go?

    Know where you will evacuate to and how you will get there.

  4. Step 4

    When will you leave?

    Decide what your trigger is to leave, the safest option is to leave early.

  5. Step 5

    What will you take?

    Know what’s important to you to take when you leave.

Select which of the following best describes you to see if you need a fire plan

You need a fire plan

If you live in or close to bushland, open paddocks, or grasslands you could be at risk of fire and you should have a plan. These areas are generally in regional Victoria but can also be found close to urban settings such as the Dandenong Ranges.

Hand holding mobile phone that says Fire planner

Know the risks.

Bushfires and grassfires start quickly, often without warning and they can threaten lives and properties within minutes. Knowing the risks and important information this fire season could keep you safe.

a family home

You don’t have to live in the country to be at risk.

Fires can occur where the suburbs meet the bush or in urban areas where houses have grass, bushland or parkland near them.

a mobile phone getting a fire alert

Stay up to date.

Downloading the VicEmergency app is the best way to stay up to date during fire season.

the Fire Danger Rating system, with it indicating an extreme fire rating

Know your daily Fire Danger Rating.

Ratings of fire danger tell you how dangerous a fire could be if it started. The higher the rating, the more dangerous the conditions. Check the Fire Danger Rating daily for your local region and for any region you may be travelling in.

Useful Resources

Click the links below to access additional resources and monitor fire danger ratings in real time.

CFA Logo
Emergency Management Victoria
Fire Rescue Victoria

Download the VicEmergency App

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